Lanka Achievers











Lanka Achievers Foundation

About Us

Lanka Achievers Foundation (LAF) has been formed for the economic and social development of individuals and organizations. LAF is operating on national and international levels with the object of promoting economic welfare of all nations. The Foundation formed a Managing Committee of members from diverse fields of economic and social activity. These members are well experienced and qualified in their fields. The Foundation has many other members from diverse fields such as health and medicine, information technology, industry, engineering, education, building, construction, civil engineering, architecture, mining, tourism, journalism, social services, environment and professionals from many areas. For more than five years all these members have contributed to the various development programs and activities of LAF.

One of the main activities of LAF has been to conduct international seminars award ceremonies and conferences on various economic issues and topics. These Seminars have been conferences on various economic issues and topics. These seminars have been attended by Cabinet Ministers, Governors, and senior bureaucrats, Ambassadors from many countries and also individuals and organizations from various economic fields. These seminars have attempted to deliberate on the development issues of the national economy and international cooperation. An important part of these seminars has been the appreciation and presentation of Awards to these people.

LAF Ventures helps people use their talents and skills to start a small business, obtain a quality job, and build financial assets. Lanka Achievers Foundation (LAF) concentrates on the theme “how the successful Achievers can help the social & economic infrastructural development in and around the country.” It will provide examples of social entrepreneurs and successful models of the society and corporate sector partnership. Lanka Achievers Foundation is the amalgamation of economic, political, business, professional and other leaders of the Sri Lankan community which defines and discusses the key issues of Sri Lankan economic agenda.

The opportunities and conditions for growth in Sri Lanka require a commitment by various national and international organizations to praise the achievements of the private sector and development of the human capital. Lanka Achievers Foundation is one such foundation engaged in sharing opinions, ideas, knowledge and strategic know-how on the key issues of economic progress.

Our goal is to secure to all citizens of Sri Lanka;
Justice, social, economic and political;
Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
Equality of status and opportunity and to promote among them all;
Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual;

- Our Goal -


The mission of the LAF is to strengthen the social and economic well-being of individuals and communities.

1. To work for the development of Economy of Sri Lanka.
2. To conduct surveys in respect of Sri Lankan Economy, inflation, money transactions, foreign collaboration, import & export policy etc.
3. To conduct comparative studies in respect of Sri Lankan Economy and other Economic Status of other countries on behalf of various agencies
4. To organize meetings, seminars, conferences, symposia etc. in respect of Sri Lankan Economy, Industrialization, Public Awareness, Entrepreneurship, Business, Service and such allied subjects.
5. To organize workshops in various places in the field of Sri Lankan Economy Trade, Export and Import, Exim Policy, and such other allied subjects by Participating Economists, Eminent Personalities, Leaders, Politicians, Industrialists and such other Individuals/ Groups from various fields/ Positions.
6. To assist the enterprises for getting collaboration with foreign enterprises companies with the help of concerned ministries.
7. To watch, to promote the interest and safeguard the rights and liberties of the members in all matters concerning business in all available and constitutional means.
8. To work as a conduit to transfer the technical skills from foreign experts / companies / agencies as per govt. rules.
9. To endeavor to redress the day to day grievances of the members by all available and peaceful means
10. To arrange for foreign trips / study tours for the entrepreneurs and provide all necessary assistance and facilities as per govt. rules and policy.
11. To cooperate, to federate or to affiliate itself with any other organizations having similar objectives.
12. To render possible legal aids to the members in respect of matters arising out of his/her business.
13. To invite economists, foreign experts etc. in various fields to visit our establishments.
14. To work for the upliftment of standard of living of general public.
15. To publish books, charts, illustrations, journals, magazines, periodicals and other publications for the benefits of the foundation and its aims and objectives.
16. To organize mutual consultation / events of students with other students from various universities
17. To perform all such acts as may be necessary for the achievement and accomplishment of the above mentioned aims and objects and allied social activities and services.
18. The Organization will honor individuals, organizations and institutions with Awards for outstanding contributions and achievements in their respective fields. These include economic development in industry, finance and business. Awards will also be given in the fields of industry, education, healthcare, medical treatment and hospitals, hotels and tourism, journalism, astrology, co- operatives and other fields.



To work for the development of Economy of Sri Lanka.


To conduct surveys in respect of Sri Lankan Economy, inflation, money transactions, foreign collaboration, import & export policy etc.


To conduct comparative studies in respect of Sri LankanEconomy and other Economic Status of other countries on behalf of various agencies


To organize meetings, seminars, conferences, symposia etc. in respect of Sri Lankan Economy, Industrialization, Public Awareness, Entrepreneurship, Business, Service and such allied subjects.


To organize workshops in various places in the field of Sri Lankan Economy Trade, Export and Import, Exim Policy, and such other allied subjects by Participating Economists, Eminent Personalities, Leaders, Politicians, Industrialists and such other Individuals/ Groups from various fields/ Positions.


To assist the enterprises for getting collaboration with foreign enterprises companies with the help of concerned ministries.


To watch, to promote the interest and safeguard the rights and liberties of the members in all matters concerning business in all available and constitutional means.


To work as a conduit to transfer the technical skills from foreign experts / companies / agencies as per govt. rules.


To endeavor to redress the day to day grievances of the members by all available and peaceful means


To arrange for foreign trips / study tours for the entrepreneurs and provide all necessary assistance and facilities as per govt. rules and policy.


To cooperate, to federate or to affiliate itself with any other organizations having similar objectives.


To render possible legal aids to the members in respect of matters arising out of his/her business.


To invite economists, foreign experts etc. in various fields to visit our establishments.


To work for the upliftment of standard of living of general public.


To publish books, charts, illustrations, journals, magazines, periodicals and other publications for the benefits of the foundation and its aims and objectives.


To organize mutual consultation / events of students with other students from various universities


To perform all such acts as may be necessary for the achievement and accomplishment of the above mentioned aims and objects and allied social activities and services.


The Organization will honor individuals, organizations and institutions with Awards for outstanding contributions and achievements in their respective fields. These include economic development in industry, finance and business. Awards will also be given in the fields of industry, education, healthcare, medical treatment and hospitals, hotels and tourism, journalism, astrology, co- operatives and other fields.

Main object

• LAF is to strengthen the social and economic well-being of individuals and communities.

• Our journey has to start and professionals like the undersigned teaming up with academicians along with other distinguished people in different areas have decided to expand our ocean of discovery and result is the formation of "Lanka Achievers Foundation".

• The Main object of this Centre is to meet and beat the challenges posed due to the changed environment and to adopt ourselves in the knowledge economy.

Management of Risk

Restructuring of Corporate

Strategic Alliance

Finance for Non-Finance

Total Cost Management

Project Management

Corporate Governance

Works Contracts

Ecological Impact on Industries

Supply Chain Management

Strategic Cost Management

Our Team


Prof.Dr. Anthony Dexter Fernando
Executive Committee Member

Vice Chairman

Infanta Karthika Gomez
Executive Committee Member

Hony. President

Dr. Tharindu Wijenayake
Executive Committee Member

Hony. General Secretary

Dr. Mario Emeritaa Fernando
Executive Committee Member

Hony. Treasurer

Dr. Lion W.W.Senadhisha Chandrasekara
Executive Committee Member

(North East)

Dr. M.A. Abdul Jabbar
Regional Director

(Hill Country)

Ragu Indra kumar
Regional Director


Dr. Imantha Sumal Herath
International Relations

Regional Manager

Mr.Dineepa Udayanga Moraes
Regional Managers

Regional Manager

Ms.Harshi Peramathilake
Regional Managers

Regional Manager

Chirsty Mathan Gomez
Regional Managers

Advisory board Member

Rt.Rev.Bishop.Dr. Nissanka Weerappulige
Advisory board Members

Advisory board Member

Prof.Dr. (Mrs.) Dame. Anoma Weeraratne
Advisory board Members

Advisory board Member

Prof.Dr.Tissa Jayaweera
Advisory board Members

Advisory board Member

Dr.Udara Sampath Gunawardena
Advisory board Members

Advisory board Member

Dr. Sarath Jayantha Peris
Advisory board Members

Advisory board Member

Advisory board Members

International Advisory Board Member

Prof.Sir. Viyaykumar S.Shah
International Advisory Board Members

International Advisory Board Member

Prof.Dr. Dietmar Doering
International Advisory Board Members

Our Activities

LAF invites people and organizations from all types of economic fields and developmental agencies to take part in the various activities and also become useful members of LAF.

Send Us Your Inquiry

Lanka Achievers

(Administrative Office)

No.174, 4th, George R De Silva Mawatha,
Colombo 13, Sri Lanka.


Mail: info@lankaachievers.foundation

Phone: 0771432007

Web: lankaachievers.foundation


(Administrative Office)

No.174, 4th, George R De Silva Mawatha,
Colombo 13, Sri Lanka.


Mail: info@lankaachievers.foundation

Phone: 0771432007

Web: lankaachievers.foundation